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Career Fulfillment

Career Fulfillment
“Most people think they know what they are good at. They are usually wrong … And yet, a person can perform only from strength”
Peter Drucker


“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.”
Steve Jobs


Self-knowledge is primary to making a career decision and operating from the strength zone. People are 6 times less likely to be engaged in their job if they are not working from their strength zone (Gallup) and are prone to;

  • Dread going to work
  • Experience more negative than positive interactions with colleagues
  • Treat customers poorly
  • Tell friends how miserable the organisation they work for
  • Achieve less on a daily basis
  • Have fewer positive and creative moments
  • Health and relationship related issues


The Career Fulfilment Programme is for you if you experience any of the following situations;
  • I believe I am just coasting at my job and I do not feel any sense of fulfilment. I would like to identify my strong areas and know how to use them judiciously.
  • My chances of progressing beyond my current role appear slim as a result of limited opportunities. I would like help to think through what to do
  • I am concerned my job is being made redundant and very soon I may be asked to go. Can you help me identify what I am best at doing and how I can get opportunities in this area?
  • I have been cruising and never taken time to identify my career objectives and direction. Could you help me with this?
  • My job pays me good money but the thought of going to work every day is killing me. Is there any way you can help me through this?
  • I always think of quitting my job but fear grips me when I think of what next.
  • I really don’t know what to do but my heart has left the job. Can you help me identify what is next for me?
  • People are being laid off from time to time at my place of work. I do not know if or when it will be my turn. Is there any way you can help me get ready for this?
  • I have two job offers and I do not know which one to pick. Can you help me decide?
  • I feel at a career crossroads. Can you help me decide which way to go?
  • I've always drifted into my jobs. It now seems the right time to make a definite decision for myself. Can you help me gain a sense of direction?
  • I am thinking of quitting my current job but I am not sure whether to change career, seek a new employer or find a role within my current organisation. Can you help me take a decision?
  • My job is cool but I don't seem to enjoy it. Can you help me discover what really motivates me?
  • I am uncertain where my interest lies and I get involved in so many things. Can you help me focus?
  • My job is taking the whole of my life. Can you help me achieve a more satisfying balance?
  • My skills and interests are currently underutilised. Can you help me think through ways of better using them in or out of work?


The career fulfilment programme helps you to address the most important questions that lead to finding career fulfilment;

  • Who am I?
  • What do I want?
  • What am I good at? (Transferable Skills)
  • What am I motivated to do? (Interests)
  • What is most important to me? (Values)
  • What will help me thrive? (When I'm at my best)
  • What work roles and environments would suit me? (Personality)
  • What are my key career needs? (Career Drivers)
  • What activities & environments enable me to thrive and be at my best? (Past Positives)


Getting answers to these questions and others may involve the use of psychometric questionnaires and self-appraisal exercises leading to a summary of the key elements you must have in your work life.
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